Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer Time....

Wow its been hot in North Texas. I'm one of those that had rather have the heat than the cold so its in the air conditioning most of the day for me! Had a glorious weekend in semi-outside setting. Since we had friends in from Houston this weekend we did venture out to the Dallas Aquarium. What a terrific outing for adults and kids alike. We saw penguins, manatees, sharks, anaconda (yuck!) and many beautiful birds and flora. Since I don't travel to downtown Dallas much, it was fun seeing the area on a Saturday without all the work traffic. Naturally we all forgot our cameras, so I used my phone camera and ran the battery down taking pictures! Takes pretty good photographs though. Gotta finish getting ready for my show this weekend .... gluing and attaching bling to my flip flops! See you at Central High School, Keller, Texas 9-5, Saturday only.

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