Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Blessings

I visited my Mother in Florida during Easter and wanted to share these lovely flowers from her garden. An update on the azaleas I so wanted to see ~ most were gone but I did see a few blooms.

Unfortunately, the Easter Lilies had not started blooming, but I know they'll be lovely when they do. Its so amazing to see God's work in nature. On Sunday, I was able to enjoy the annual Easter gathering at my counsin's home. There is always LOTS of wonderful southern food, so I don't even try to watch my diet or observe portion control on those days! We had the best time together and I love visiting with them. They always make you feel so welcome and are truly interested in your life! I wish I could see them more often as they are such fine people and we have the best laughs and conversations. My Mother is the oldest of 10 children so I have no shortage of cousins. We enjoyed meeting Emily, the newest "bundle of joy" ~ who was only 3 days old on Easter Sunday. She is a real beauty and will be loved and cherished by all I'm sure. Can't wait to see her on my next trip.

Spring has sprung in Texas so look for more pictures of our Spring line of pendants, necklaces and new Denim Jackets.

Until later.....Blessings~ Becky and Susan

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